CompTIA Security+

CompTIA Security+ Certification (SY0-601) Mike Meyers and Dan Lachance

Threat actors
  • Hackers

  • Hacktivists

  • Script kiddies

  • Insiders

  • Competitors

  • Shadow IT

  • Criminal syndicates

  • State actors

  • APT - Advanced persistent threat

  • Asset - is any part of an IT infrastructure that has value

  • Vulnerability - is a weakness in an asset in an IT system that leaves it open to a threat

  • Exploit - is peace of code that takes advantage of vulnerability

  • Threat - is an action that a threat actor can use against a vulnerability to cause harm

    • An attack (exploit) that a malicious actor will use agains asset

  • Likelihood - is the probability of assets being damaged over time

  • Threat actor - is anyone or anything with the motive and resources to attack another IT infrastructure. They are sources of threats

  • Risk - is the likelihood of a threat actor taking advantage of vulnerability by using a threat against an IT asset

  • Attack vector - are pathways to gain access to restricted systems

Objective 1.5


  • Confidentiality

    • Form of encryption

  • Integrity

    • Form of hashing

      • to check that we don't have any unauthorized changes

  • Availability

    • Making sure that systems are available when we need them

Attack vectors

  1. Weak configuration

  2. Open firewall ports

  3. Lack of user security awarness

  4. Lack of multifactor authentication

  5. Missing patches

  6. Infected USB

  7. Supply chain

    1. manufacturers

    2. contractors

    3. implementers

    4. outsorsed software developers

  1. AIS - automated indicator sharing

    1. Exchange of cybersecurity intelligence between entities

  2. STIX - structured threat information expression

  3. CVE - common vulnerability and exposure

  4. Dark Web - encrypted and anonymized internet access

  5. AUP - acceptable use policy

  6. RMF - risk management frameworks provide guidance on identifying and managing risks

  7. Security policies are designed to protect

  8. Security controls are there for mitigate specific threats

  9. Managerial - administrative function - background checks

  10. Operational - policy review

  11. Technical - IT security solution

  12. Security control type include:

    1. physical

      1. mantrap

      2. access control

    2. detective

      1. log analysis

    3. corrective

      1. vulnerability patching

    4. preventive

    5. deterrent

      1. device logon warning banner

    6. compensating

      1. isolate IOT in a separate network

Prioritize threat against asset

SLE - Single Loss Expectancy

  1. Asset value = 24,000

  2. Exposure factor = 12.5%

    1. Single loss expectancy = 24.000 x 12.5% = 24000 x 0.125 = 3.000

  1. AV = 24.000 per day

  2. Risk - 3h downtime

    1. 24h / 3h = 12.5 % of 24h

  3. Exposure factor - 12.5%

  4. SLE = AV * EF = 24.000 x 0.125 = 3.000 for 3h downtime

ARO - annual rate of occurance

  1. Expected number of yearly occurrences

ALE - annualized loss expectancy

  1. Total yearly costs of bad things happening

  2. ALE = SLE * ARO

  3. ALE = 3k$ * 2 = 6$k

ALE is to understand how much we can loss if something goes wrong as well as to understand if we spend on security more than we can loss, since then it won't make sense

  • MTBF - mean time between failures

    • average time between component failure

    • software patching

  • MTTF - mean time to failure

    • average time between non-repairable component failure

    • hard disk, switch, router

  • MTTR - time required to repair

  • PTA - privacy threshold assessment

    • first step before implementing solutions related to sensitive data

  • PIA - privacy impact assessment

  • RPO - recovery point objective

    • maximum tolerable amount of data loss

  • RTO - recovery time objective

    • maximum tolerable amount of downtime

  • BIA - business impact analysis

    • identifies how negative incidents will impact business processes and sensitive data

Data types and roles

Data classification assigns labesl to data to faciliate management

  • PII - personally indentifiable information

  • PHI - personal health information

  • Proprietary

  • Public

  • Critical

  • Financial

Data Privacy Standards

  • Data privacy and breach notification

  • levy fines

  • IP - protect intellectual property

  • PCI DSS - payment card industry data security standard

    • carholder information

  • GDPR - general data protection regulation

Data classification tools

  • metadata apply

    • cloud resource tagging

    • ?

    • ?

Data roles and responsibilities

  • Owner

    • Legal data owner

    • Set policies on how data will be managed

  • Controller

    • ensures data complies with applicable regulations

  • Processor

    • handles data in accordance with privacy guidelines

  • Custodian

    • data managing in allignment with data owner policies

    • applies data management policies

      • permissions

      • backup

  • DPO - data privacy officer

    • ensures data privacy regulation compliance with any law and regulation

Security and the Information Life Cycle
  • Collection

  • Storage

  • Process

  • Share

  • Archive/Delete

PII - Personal Identifiable Information.

  • Social security number

  • E-mail address

  • Credit card number

  • Home address

  • Web browser cookies

PHI - Protected health information

  • Health insurance plan number

  • Blood type

  • Patient medical ailments

PET - privacy-enhancing technologies

  • Anonymization

    • GDPR without user consent

    • limited data value

  • Pseudo-anonymization

    • PII replaced with fake identifiers

  • Data minimization

    • Limit stored/retained sensitive data

  • Tokenization

    • authorizes access instead of the original credentials

  • Data masking

    • Hide sensitive data from unauth users

    • Masked out credit card number digits on a receipt

Data sovereignty

  • Data location and laws that apply to it

    • Where did it originate

    • Where is it now

    • Which laws and regs apply

  • Azure

Data Destruction
  • Failed/decom. storage devices

  • Storage devices end of life policies

Physical level

  • Hard disc shedding device

Software level

  • Disk wiping tools

    • Disk Scrubber

  • Multiple overwrites of randomized data

  • Degausing for HD

  • Cryptographic erasure

    • destroy decryption key

  • SED

    • Self-encrypting drive

Personnel Risk and Policies

Last updated